don’t just get your feet wet, dive in with this deep, true navy blue nail polish  – Extensive color palette with hundreds of shades– High, glossy shine finish– Provides flawless coverage along with outstanding durability– Brush fits every nail size for streak-free application
the secret to a standout summertime cheer? this saturated, bright blue nail polish with yellow undertones – High, glossy shine finish– Provides flawless coverage along with outstanding durability– Brush fits every nail size for streak-free application
wrap your nails in a warm and earthy nude nail polish reminiscent of saharan sand dunes – Extensive color palette with hundreds of shades – High, glossy shine finish – Provides flawless coverage along with outstanding durability – Brush fits every nail size for streak-free application
at first glance, butterflies will flutter and your heart will be a glow in this baby blue nail polish brimming with glistening gold pearl  – Extensive color palette with hundreds of shades– High, glossy shine finish– Provides flawless coverage along with outstanding durability– Brush fits every nail size for streak-free application